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Category Archives: Java


Compressing content using a servlet filter

One year and little bit more I was gzipping Spring remoting requests and responses. Now is time to gzip web application
The simplest solution is to use filter in your web.xml. I found implementation in ehcache called net.sf.ehcache.constructs.web.filter.GzipFilter


Spring remoting with gzip compression

GZip compression is well known standard, used almost everywhere. Modern web servers are able to communicate with modern browsers and this communication can be automatically gzipped. But if you are unsure, if your communication is compressed, you can use your own.


How stop embedded ActiveMQ in Spring

Today I ran into problems with embedded ActiveMQ broker in Spring Framework. The goal is to run local application, which uses Spring context to start AMQ and after this application is finished, AMQ should stop.

Another solution

JTable with fixed columns

JTable with fixed columns is really problem. There is no “one-and-the-only-right” solution for fixing one or two columns while leaving others scrollable.


Difference between jee:jndi-lookup and JndiObjectFactoryBean?

I just discovered difference between using jee:jndi-lookup and JndiObjectFactoryBean.


Configuring Jetty with ActiveMQ and JNDI

For development of Message Driven POJOs (see cute tutorial on Spring blogs) I need some testing environment with running JMS server. As I’m using Maven and his Jetty plugin, I found following solution.